
Fuller Lake

Dr. Scott Kellermann dedicates his swim at Fuller Lake to Diane Stanton. Diane was integral to the start of the projects in Uganda. In 1993, Ugandan Arch¬bishop Livingstone Nkoyoyo told Diane, “I need you to save the Batwa pygmies. They are dying.” Diane prayed to God that she did not know how to help, but God assured her, “I do.”

Through Diane’s efforts and support from the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, preliminary work began. She knew that major healthcare was needed and recruited Dr. Scott and Carol Kellermann. Their first meeting was not just a handoff of the project. In that moment, Dr. Scott knew in his heart that he and Diane would work together again in the future. Diane told Dr. Scott that they would have to see what God has in store!

Sally Stillings who served as the Kellermann Foundations first executive director devoted years of service structuring a healthy and reliable framework on which the foundation could grow. When Sally retired, Scott’s vision of he and Diane working together again came true.


Sandford Lake


The Gift of Friendship with Julia Amaral