Support a Program

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The ENJU FUND is our general fund which helps all areas of our work, including greatest needs, emergency relief, operations and program costs like printing, supplies and development expenses. This fund helps the Kellermann Foundation support its programs and ultimately benefits the Batwa.



BWINDI COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, considered one of the best private hospitals in Uganda, provides excellent healthcare to the Batwa and the other local tribe members. Your donation in any amount helps provide:

  • Caesarean section deliveries: $250; natural deliveries: $100

  • Pediatric care: $30 per day for one hospitalized child

  • General surgeries: $250–600

  • Salaries for full-time physicians: $1,000 for one month


Community Development

THE BATWA DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM helps the Batwa learn new skills; educates the children by providing all school fees; supports land purchases, titles and new construction projects; and provides salary support for the staff.

  • Scholarship for one student for tuition, fees, food, clothing, supplies and transportation per year: $200 for nursery, $750 for primary, $1,400 for secondary, $3,000 for university

  • Micro-enterprise projects for the Batwa Women’s Center: $100 per project

  • Land titles for parcels of land already owned: $1,800 per parcel

  • Interlocking brick home: $3,000

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Nursing Education

UGANDA NURSING SCHOOL BWINDI is the only advanced-level program in a rural region of one million people. UNSB boasts 100% of graduates passing the rigorous national nursing exam, obtaining licenses and finding employment.

  • Scholarship for one nursing student: $1,500

  • Kindle for a nursing student: $65


Contact us about Corporate Matching Gifts, Legacy Giving or to include KF in your will.

Corporate matching gifts and gifts in the form of bequests of a will, securities, insurance policies, IRAs, retirement plans and real estate
create a lasting legacy that provide hope and health for the Batwa. Contact for more information.